Wilderness Regulations
Nation-wide Regulations:
Possessing or using a motor vehicle, motorboat, or motorized equipment is prohibited. This includes snowmobiles.
Possessing or using a hang glider or bicycle is prohibited.
Landing of aircraft, or dropping or picking up of any material, supplies, or person by means of aircraft, including a helicopter is prohibited.
Wilderness Regulations:
Permits are required to enter any Wilderness on the National Forest. These permits are free, and may be self-issued at trailheads.
The group size limit is 12, comprised of any combination of people and pack or saddle stock.
Possessing or using a wagon, cart, or other vehicle is prohibited.
Shortcutting trail switchbacks is prohibited.
Camping within 100 feet of lakes or the Pacific Crest Trail is prohibited.
Grazing, hitching, or tethering of stock within 200 feet of lakes is prohibited.
Livestock feed must be weed-free certified hay or processed feed. Help keep weeds out of Wilderness.
You may cache or store equipment, personal property or supplies for 48 hours or less.
You may not be in an area posted as being closed for restoration, wilderness restoration, or rehabilitation.
Wilderness Area Specific Regulations are listed on Wilderness.net
(Courtesy of the USFS)